not quite yet...but soon

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Once again, the tree is on fire!

Today is Veteran's Day.
I've been fortunate enough to hear some tales from the front [of Iraq] first hand.
That experience completely changed my perspective, since my initial impressions were based on the Media, which we know, is certainly not objective...

Here's a wish of wellness to all Veterans.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Medicinal Soup

Yan Rou + Dang Gui + Sheng Jiang Tang.
(In English: mutton, angelica/dankuai Root, and fresh ginger root soup.)
Tonify blood...and taste buds.

This is supposed to be medicinal but I expect it to taste delicious, especially with the supporting role played by a beautiful Leek.

If only herb ID exams can be conducted this way...

Less trash more Earth!

for campus dwellers & anyone near Union Square area. Feel free to download and print. Email me for hi-res pdf.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

cooking with gas & goji power

Just as I ran out of ideas on how to flavor a fried tofu dish, I remembered a friend's comment about cooking more with herbs.

A handful of hijiki + goji berries atop sprouted tofu (drizzle with some sesame oil) = healthy vibrant delicious lunch

this was cooked in my Berndes Supratherm purchased about 1 year ago from a Marshalls in suburbia. I can no longer find anywhere?!

A tiny spark in the otherwise dreadful and suffocating Art Book Fair (the NY Art Book Fair at PS 1). Shakers made by David Shrigley (sorry about the glare)

After that, a walk on the High Line in darkness was most refreshing. Plants illuminated by dim, low lighting. Oddly romantic.

Later on today, I was asked, "do you miss the art world?"

With slight hesitation, I answered, "no." Certain people, yes, I miss the colorful characters I have met in the art world, though I still meet them happily outside of that
amoebic field.